Don't Skip Servicing Your HVAC System

Don't Skip Servicing Your HVAC System

Invest in proper HVAC maintenance in Westville, OK

If your HVAC unit is running well, is it really necessary to have a technician come out to look at it? The answer is yes. Routine HVAC maintenance is critical for a healthy system.

At Teague Heating, Air & Refrigeration, LLC, we believe in taking care of your system. The best way to make sure your system is running well is through maintenance. Every winter, your heat pump or gas furnace should be inspected, and every summer your A/C unit should be checked. This keeps the whole system up to code.

Schedule your seasonal HVAC maintenance in Springdale, AR today.

Is it time to replace your HVAC unit?

Even with maintenance, HVAC systems don't last forever. It's important to know the signs that your unit should be replaced. This allows you to find an HVAC replacement before the current system breaks down entirely. Here are some signs it's time for an HVAC replacement:

  • Your system is more than ten years old
  • The repair costs are more than half the cost of a new unit
  • Your energy bills are steadily rising
  • Your home won't stay at a comfortable temperature
  • Your system gives off unusual odors

One or more of these issues is an indication you should replace your unit. Contact Teague Heating, Air & Refrigeration in Springdale, AR to schedule an HVAC replacement today.